Monday, November 21, 2005

The Amazing Vanishing Kitten!

What a little stinker!! Trillian vaporised when it was time to load her up to go to the vet. GONE! (like the squirrel in Christmas Vacation) I ended up calling to let them know we couldn't find her, and rescheduling for 4 and as soon as I hung up, she appeared. (I thought I could hear Scotty's voice right before she beamed in.) Tiny brat! So I called back and they said they could still take us. What a naughty wee kitten. Scotty's in trouble, too.

Trilly's almost tripled in weight since we got her. She definitely has rescued-kitty syndrome (eats whenever there's a chance.)

I'm contemplating some large changes in my novel already. That didn't take long. Well, not huge structural changes, more background changes, I guess. Off I go to see how that works.

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